ArcaOS 5.0 now available: new OS/2 distribution ( 94 points by ch_123 on May 17, 2017 | hide | past | web | favorite | 33 comments mhd on May 17, 2017
2018/02/19 2018/08/19 2018/02/04 2017/05/23 2013/12/24 2017/05/16
MediaMaster 5 Subtitles and Lyric Player ArKaos Team on 12/02/2016 - 11:43 Prior to MediaMaster 5, if you needed to display subtitles or synchronize lyrics with a … 2018/04/30 2020/06/06 2017/05/31 2017/08/11
2017/05/24 2017/06/07 2017/06/23 ArcaOS 5.0.1 5.1 Where ArcaOS is going in the next 18 months Lewis Rosenthal Managing Member Arca Noae, LLC Warpstock Europe 2017 Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3 Support & Maintenance Commercial vs Personal: – File content identical ArcaOS 5.0 – personal edition brings you OS/2 power and performance like never before. With support for a full range of existing and new OS/2 software, running on modern multi-core and multi-processor systems, take your OS/2 experience to the next level for the 21st century. The ArcaOS Personal Edition is for individual users who will not be using it for business.
2018/11/09 2017/05/16 ArcaOS 5.0 (code name Blue Lion) was released May 15, 2017. The Register published an article about the release on May 19th, 2017 [18] . There were two editions released: a commercial edition, intended for enterprise use (including 12 months of upgraded/prioritized technical support), and a personal edition, targeted at non-business users (including six months of standard technical support) at 2018/08/20 「パソコン・インターネット」カテゴリの記事 テックワン、バッテリー内蔵型の15.6型モバイルディスプレイ「PD01」 - ITmedia PC USER(リンクのみ)(2020.05.21) Windows 10は全て64bitになる 32bitから64bitへの完全移行は間もなく (1/2 2018/04/01
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